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Unable To Send Or Receive Email

Creation date: 2/12/2019 7:19 PM    Updated: 2/12/2019 7:19 PM   email email not working outlook receive email send email
Most of the time email works flawlessly, but sometimes it fails.  When it does there are a few steps to work through that may save you some grief.

Now first it should be known that Sending and Receiving email are two different processes and one can work while the other is failing.  When filling out a ticket please indicate what the exact problem is.

Steps to Follow

In the lower right corner of Outlook it will say "Connected to: xxxxxxxxx"  Now if you do not see a connection too Microsoft Exchange or another email provider the following may help to solve the problem.
- Click on Send/Receive on the top of the Outlook Ribbon and make sure that Work Offline (located to Far left) has not been highlighted.  If so please click it to bring Outlook back online.  This may take a few minutes.
- Make sure that you computer is indeed online.  Test network connectivity by going to
- Click You main Inbox folder and then click Update Folder within the Send/Receive tab of the ribbon.  If there is an error you will be notified.  Please take a screenshot of this error and attach to your ticket.
- Test your email access against your web application.  If you are able to access email fro the Web Application then it may be an issue with Outlook on your computer and not the Email service itself.
- Try using Outlook in Safe mode.  Press your Windows Key (It  will be in the bottom left of your keyboard and have the Windows symbol on it).  Type in Outlook.exe /safe.    You will be asked to select your profile, though if there is only one then press OK. Outlook will load, and you will need to test if it works or not.  If this step is successful you still need to place a ticket as there is something wrong with Outlook that needs to be addressed.

Vincent Kruggel

February 12, 2019
ArgusIT KB# 10005