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Making a request for a new employee account.

Creation date: 3/1/2019 9:08 AM    Updated: 3/1/2019 9:09 AM   hire new email new employee new user user
Here is a checklist of items to think about when making a request for a new hire in your department.  Turn around for a new user setup can be a few days therefore please plan accordingly.

1.  They will need a user setup in the database and access to folders.  Please be specific as to what they need access too.
2.  Is this a new position or is this person filling a vacant position?
3.  Will they need an email address or a site specific email address?
4.  Do they have a desk already assigned and is their a computer for them to use?  Please be specific as too where they are going to work. 
5.  Do they need a laptop or a cell phone?
6.  Provide the full name of the user, phone extension if you know it, title, and job description.

All of the information collected really helps IT create the user and get them added into all of the appropriate databases.

Vincent Kruggel

March 1, 2019
ArgusIT KB# 10011