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Access Email Online

Creation date: 3/27/2019 5:04 PM    Updated: 10/15/2020 9:31 AM   access email email at home email online owa
If you want to access your email from a webrowser at home it is quite easy and I will show you how.

Each property has there own portal (for now) to access email online.  Here are the URL's and instructions for each property.

Argus Properties

If your email ends with then you will want to do the following:

2. Enter your username.  It will be the first letter of your first name and then your last name.  Therefore Bob Smith becomes bsmith.  The domain will need to be entered before the username to gain access at login.  Therefore enter your username as follows: arguspro\bsmith.  Just always remember that the user name will be the same username you use to access your workstation.
3.  Enter the password that you were given by your supervisor.

Eldorado Resort

If your email ends in then you will want to do the following:

1. Go to
2. You will need to sign in with your email address and email password.  Please do not use the same password you use to access your computer.  It will be a different password.

Four Points

If your email ends with then you will want to do the following:

1. Go to
2. You will need to sign in with your email address and email password.  Please do not use the same password you use to access your computer.  It will be a different password.

Hilton Home2Suites

Instructions to come!

Vincent Kruggel

March 27, 2019
Modified: October 15, 2020
ArgusIT KB#10017