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BlueZone Access for MARSHA

Creation date: 1/22/2020 3:09 PM    Updated: 7/26/2023 9:18 AM   bluezone marsha

Marriott has instituted a new system to access MARSHA.  The Marriott documentation has been attached to this article for you to use.  Though there are a few things you need to do to make this successful.

- Follow the documentation exactly (well almost exactly).
- Open the PDF Document attached to this article and do all of the steps.  On page 9 you may need to do steps 1 to 4 up to three times to     have access work properly.
- The key to clear the MARSHA screen is Pause.  It is no longer the space bar as some of you have been using.
- Java 8 Update 181 is the version that needs to be installed.  Marriott has just published a new standard for Java 8 Update 341 but I will keep the older version in till fully tested.  
- A link has been published to your desktops called Marriott SBA.  This link will only work with Internet Explorer.  Your will need to change      your default browser.
- These urls should be added to Edge  for IE mode.

January 21, 2020
Updated October 13, 2022 - Vincent Kruggel
Updated July 26, 2023 - Vincent Kruggel
ArgusIT KB#10017
