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Introduction to Microsoft Teams

Creation date: 3/19/2020 4:42 PM    Updated: 3/24/2020 9:52 AM   create team teams teams meeting video chat
To conduct your work with your coworkers while not being in the the same room or or city you can use Teams.  This program comes loaded onto every Office 365 workstation that uses Office 365 as the email provider.  Please note a few things before reading the attached PDF documentation.

- You need to have an Office 365 account to use teams
- Your first Video chat will need to have permission granted by IT to enable this feature.  It is a quick process but will need to be scheduled.
- Only a few people in the organization have the ability to create teams.  This prevents the profusion of many groups that IT will have to manage in the future.
- If you have a phone managed my Argus and are employed by Eldorado Resort you will have Teams installed on your phone.  You will need the password to your email account to sign in.

Vincent Kruggel

March 19, 2020
ArgusIT KB#10033