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Unable To Print From Lightspeed

Creation date: 2/4/2021 4:58 PM    Updated: 2/4/2021 4:58 PM   lightspeed lightspeed will not print
Lightspeed sometimes will not let you print.  You will be able to save the PDF and then print it, but not print directly from LightSpeed.  Try the following steps if this happens to you.  I have personally gone through the steps and they worked.

1. Launch the Adobe Reader DC application from the start Menu
2. Select Edit from the menu
3. Select Preferences,
4. Select Security (Enhanced)
5. Uncheck the boxes for "Enable Protected Mode at startup" and "Enable Enhanced Security"
6. Finally click "Yes" when you get any prompt 

If this does not work consult the following articles from ITSupport on MGS.

KB0043012 : How To: LightSpeed - Reports from LightSpeed do not print using Adobe Reader DC
KB0039171 : How To: LightSpeed - Browser and Java Settings for LightSpeed 

February 4, 2021
ArgusIT KB#10036