Remember to check the Knowledge Base for a solution before you enter a new ticket.

How To Fill Out A Ticket

Creation date: 2/14/2019 6:16 PM    Updated: 2/27/2019 4:17 PM   how to enter a ticket ticket status tickets
Your communication with Argus Hospitality IT is through the ticket system, but that communication is only as good as the information that you enter into the initial ticket.

Here are a few rules to getting the most of this service.  If you follow these rules your tickets can be dealt with faster, and less questions will need to be asked by IT.

1. Enter your full name and contact information.  If you are only available at certain times please enter the information in the ticket.
2. Be as descriptive as possible.  IT technicians are not mind readers.  The more information you enter the faster the problem is solved or request is finished.
3. Screenshots are Gold!  If you can screen shot your problem then do it.  Nothing helps more than a visual description of what the problem is.
4. Enter the Asset Tag number!  All devices will have an Asset Tag attached by the end May 2019.  After May 2019 it will be mandatory to enter the Asset Tag number if you want to enter a ticket.
5. Always select a Category for the ticket.  This helps to get you Knowledge base articles that may help you solve the problem on your own.
6. Be realistic about setting the Priority level.  Here is the rule you should follow.
- Low, You do not care when it is finished.
- Normal, You would like the problem done in the next few weeks.  Nothing is going sideways, but this could be an issue if left for too long.  Most tickets are Normal.
- High, You are having issues and your job is being impeded.   If this is a request then this needs to be done within the week.
- Critical, The computers are melting down, terrorists have taken over the hotel, and aliens are invading.  If you place a Critical ticket then you believe in Unicorns as this is the equivalent of seeing a Unicorn.

If you follow these rules then everyone will be happy.

Vincent Kruggel

February 14, 2019
ArgusIT KB# 10006