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Password Policies for Argus Hospitality

Creation date: 4/9/2019 1:11 PM    Updated: 11/8/2019 8:16 AM   change password password password guidlines password rules
When setting up a password you will need to remember the following guidelines:

1. Your password needs to be 13 characters in length.

2. The password must include Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers, and alternate characters ()&^%$#@!*

3. Spaces can be used in a password.  They make it easy.  This will allow you to create a passphrase ie. My dog is 6 years old. This password follows all of the rules, and is easy to remember.

4. If you enter your password in wrong five times then you will be locked out of the computer for 15 minutes.  Please do not call IT to unlock your computer.  Go for a coffee, do something else, but do not call IT.  Once 15 minutes is up enter your password in very slowly.  It should work.  In the end you are entering your password wrong if the computer is not accepting it, sorry but that is the cold hard truth.

5. Your password will need to be changed once every 90 days.  

6. Your last 10 passwords will be remembered and can't be used till you have gone through 10 passwords from that password.  Therefore it will take you 900 days give or take a few days to use that really great password you thought up during high school and used as your first password while employed with Argus.  Time to dump beerrulz1234! and leave high school behind.

That is all and I hope it helps.  

Vincent Kruggel

April 9, 2019
ArgusIT KB#10019