Remember to check the Knowledge Base for a solution before you enter a new ticket.

Fortinet Chrome Extension

Creation date: 3/6/2020 1:23 PM    Updated: 3/6/2020 1:23 PM   chrome slow web web page blocked web page will not load
The Anti Virus system that we use as a direct connection to the Chrome web browser.  If the Fortinet Extension for Chrome is not activated then there will be issues using Chrome.  You will not be able to load up web pages, web browsing will be slow, and a general frustrating experience with Chrome.

Now please follow the documentation attached to this article to add the extension.  Also here are a few more things to try:

- If you are still having issues open up Internet Explorer and try to open the website in question.  Then try again in Chrome.
- If you can't get the Fortinet Extension to load use Internet Explorer and place a ticket with IT support.
- Sometimes a new website needs to be identified.  Once it is It will normally load quite fast.

Vincent Kruggel

January 21, 2020
ArgusIT KB#10032
